CCA Survival Kit

Going into another Holiday season, I decided to dedicate my Article for our most vulnerable Members; the CCA. Here is a short list for things that I feel are important for CCA to know from the very beginning, of what I hope to be a fruitful career.  Probation is the time that Management vets you to see if you can perform all the tasks and functions of the Job. CCAs probation lasts 90 workdays (Any day you are in Pay-Status) or 120 calendar days.

The CCA Work-Hour guarantee is either 2 or 4 hours depending on the size of your work unit; however, 60 days into your probation, you may request to be placed on any vacant bid assignment (Route), provided the vacancy lasts 5 days or more. This is called a Hold-down or Opt and it will help you get 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week.

You will not get a Uniform Allotment until you pass Probation; however, while carrying mail during probation my best advice is to use common sense when picking your attire. Comfortable slacks or jeans, Black leather sneakers with a rubber sole, Shirts without big logos or slogans. Once past probation CCA’s will go through eBuy via a submission by local Management. After approval, a Letter of Authorization form must be completed and provided to the employee within 14 days of the eligibility date. The CCA takes the completed form to a USPS authorized vendor to purchase uniform items.

If you need to take time off it is important to request leave as far in advance as feasible. Non-Career (CCA) employees do not have Sick Leave to use; as such they must use Annual Leave. All requests for Leave should be recorded on PS Form 3971, Request for, or Notification of, Absence and a copy should be retained by the employee. If the leave is requested in advanced the leave should be requested as pre-scheduled leave. If you requested leave at the last minute or after the fact, because of illness it is recorded as unscheduled absences. Too many unscheduled absences can result in discipline or even termination; it is best practice to keep absences to a minimum during Probation.

For any serious health conditions of the Employee or the direct family of the employee can be protected by Family Medical Leave Act leave. CCAs are eligible for FMLA protected leave if they have worked for the Postal Service for at least 12 months and accrued at least 1,250 work hours during the 12-month period, for up to 12 weeks of FLMA protected leave including Leave With-out Pay (LWOP).

In the event that Discipline is issued, it is important to note that once a CCA is converted to career, any accumulated discipline is expunged. Page 16-13 of the JCAM states: Discipline issued to a CCA may not be considered or cited in determining whether to issue discipline to the CCA employee after his or her conversion to career status.

If your office does not have a Postal Vehicles to use, a CCA cannot be coerced to use their personally owned Vehicle; Page 41-38 of the JCAM states CCAs may not enter into City Carrier Transportation (Drive out) Agreements, as defined in Article 41.4 of the National Agreement. However, the Memorandum of Understanding, Re: Use of Privately Owned Vehicles applies to CCAs. In circumstances where the postmaster or station manager determines that use of a personal vehicle is necessary for business purposes, a CCA may voluntarily elect to use his/her vehicle.

If a CCA is required to travel to another Work Unit beyond their normal commute the Postal Service will reimburse you for any mileage that exceeds the distance between your home and your permanent duty station. If the mileage is less than that between your home and your permanent duty station, you may not claim mileage reimbursement. You may claim out-of-pocket expenses such as tolls, parking, etc. through eTravel.

If an employee or family member finds themselves in need of counseling for alcohol, drug abuse or any other type of family or personal problem, a free confidential service is provided through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The services are provided via a contract between the Postal Service and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Division of Federal Occupational Health. All counselors have licenses and degrees in their field of expertise. Call 1-800-EAP4YOU for more information.

If any employee feel they are being discriminated against for any reason may file a formal complaint, you may use PS Form 2565.  you must mail your formal EEO complaint to the National Equal Employment Opportunity Investigative Services Office (NEEOISO) postmarked no later than 15 calendar days after you receive PS Form 2579, Notice of Right to File to NEEOISO FORMALS, U.S. POSTAL SERVICE, PO BOX 21979, TAMPA FL 33622-1979 or you can call 1-888-EEO-USPS (1-888-336-8777). The TTY number is 888-325-2914.

If at any time an employee sustains an injury or employment-related illness while in the performance of your duties as a letter carrier the employee should file a CA-1 form. If the injury is caused by work factors that extend over a period of more than one workday, it is considered an occupational disease or illness and the employee should file a CA-2 form. You should immediately contact your local NALC union representatives to obtain advice and assistance regarding your injury compensation claim. All Union Members should call the Branch and speak to Gary DeGrijze, our OWCP expert. Additionally, If the members need help arranging an MRI, Kat scan Physical Therapy should contact Elevated Health at 630 Broadway, Amityville New York 11701; Call (718) 255-3407 and ask for Dr. Shockey.

Probably the best asset that a newly hired CCA could have is their Union. The phone number for the Branch (631) 789-1616, the Address is 630 Broadway, Amityville New York 11701. Our hours are Mon – Fri 7:30 AM– 4:30 PM. You should always discuss any issues with your Shop Steward first; however if need be call the Branch and talk to your Full-Time Officer. The Branch Officers are in the field often so make sure you call the Branch before arriving at the Branch with the expectation of speaking to your officer. Ask about the Branches new “lightly used CCA uniform” program.

Always wear your Seatbelt, never drive with your door open, always set your parking brake, curb your wheels, and always take the Keys with you when you dismount your vehicle for any reason. Always be kind to your customers. Always report accidents immediately, and most importantly; you are not an island. You are not alone. Nothing in happenings of the USPS or NALC is more important than the bond that you share with your brothers and sisters on your own workroom floor.  Please take care of one another.

Joseph Morelli

Recording Secretary


Working Off the Clock


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