Election Results
On Thursday, September 17, 2020, the nominations for the positions of Branch officers were received and accepted for all the Executive Board positions.
As per a previous notification to the entire Membership which was mailed at the end of August 2020, members were instructed how, when, and where to submit nomination forms if they wished to be nominated or to nominate for any of the Executive Board positions. These forms were to be submitted at the Bayshore Knights of Columbus Hall on September 17, 2020 starting at 7:30 pm through 8:30pm.
The results of the receipt of nomination forms are as follows:
Walter Barton
Richard McLehose
Executive Vice President
Thomas Siesto
1st Vice President
Carol Brown
Recording Secretary
Vincent Calvanese
Financial Secretary
Charles Smith
Nick D’Avanzo
Area Representative
James Jongebloed
Area Representative / O.W.C.P. Rep.
Joseph Morelli
Director of City Delivery / Safety
James Tuthill
Health Benefits/MBA/NSBA Rep.
Michael Donohue
Ronald Raynor
Trustee #1 / Sergeant-at-Arms
Patricia McDermott
Trustee #2
Gary DeGrijze
Trustee #3
William Rotunda
Trustee #4
Sean Killeen
Trustee #5
These are the entire list of nominees.
By virtue of the fact that each of the nominees were not opposed for their respective nominated positions, I had the privilege to cast one vote of “acclimation” in accordance with NALC Election procedures.
Therefore, the individuals who were nominated will be installed in December, 2020 to those Executive Board positions in accordance with Branch By-Laws.