New Executive Board

 I would like to start my article with a show of appreciation to all for electing me as your new Branch 6000 President. I am proud and excited to work with the new board. The entire slate listed in this Limb and is filled with new and seasoned letter carriers. I have the full faith in this board and believe that when we get together, it very well may be that we will be the envy of other Branch’s in the NALC. I am also excited to have my good friend and strong union advocate, Tom Siesto, as my Executive Vice President. I think we make an extremely strong team together.

I would also like to congratulate President Walter Barton for his exemplary 18 years of leading this Branch. He will be a difficult person to follow but I believe I am up to the task. His strong leadership over the past 18 years was a good learning curve and I appreciate all he has done for the membership.

Not only are we losing Walter but also Carol Brown and Vincent Calvanese. I have spent over 25 years with Carol as executive board members. She is a tenacious and ferocious champion of the union. She has been a friend and confidant of mine for years. She is more a sister than a co-worker and I treasure my years with her. Her wealth of knowledge will be greatly missed up here and very hard to replace.

When I was elected as a full-time officer in 1996, the first office I went to was Syosset. There I had the privilege of working with Vince Calvanese. He was the shop steward in Syosset and the minute I dealt with him in the office, I knew he was special and had the traits to become an officer of the branch. When he was elected to a full-time position, he really shined. I am proud to think that I helped him reach his potential, but honestly, he did it himself. I consider him a friend as close as a brother. He has represented his members and the Branch with dignity and respect. Vince will be missed by all, but especially me.

I would also like to wish a happy retirement to Ronnie Raynor, our Sergeant at Arms/Trustee #1 on our executive board. I have known Ronnie for decades and he is a great guy. He was a go-to person up here. He never hesitated to jump in and help whenever needed. I cannot recall any time where he refused to help or volunteer his services. He has been a Food Drive Coordinator for the branch and helped us raise 100’s of thousands of pounds of food for the local food banks. I wish him health and luck in his retirement.

The Branch has had a massive turnover with this election. The largest turnover in my 35 years on the board. Almost every executive board member is in a new position. The learning curve starts after our swearing in of the new board at the December Branch meeting. We are ready and anxious to get started. All I can promise you is that I will continue to do my best and represent you at the highest level along with my team.

I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy Holiday season. Let’s pray for peace and prosperity across the globe. Keep our friends and family safe. Times are very difficult right now, but my hope is that we find a way to work it all out across the world. The alternative is a little frightening.


It’s Time to Say Goodbye


Old Dirty Base Time - Part II X Max