Shop Steward Election Notice
The following are the procedures to be followed for Shop Steward Election. As per Article VI, Section 5, or the Branch By-Laws, this is to advise that:
During the month of October of triennial years, an election of Shop Steward shall be held in each station or unit. The President or their designee shall appoint a nominating committee of three (3) members in good standing in each station or unit. The Committee shall organize and receive nominations during the second week of October and no later than the 15th of the month; No members may be nominated for more than one (1) position. The committee shall post the names of all nominees (in alphabetical order) for a period of seven (7) days, after which the vote shall be taken by secret ballot.
The nominating committee shall supervise the election, receive nominations for each office, count all ballots, and declare the nominees receiving the majority of votes cast the Chief Steward, Steward, and Alternates, and then notify the Branch Secretary at headquarters.
Those sections of the Constitution for Government of Subordinate and Federal Branches shall apply where applicable and relevant to be eligible to vote or to be a nominee for a shop steward position. In addition, to be eligible to vote or to be a nominee for shop steward position(s) a member must be in "good standing" at least 60 days prior to October 1%. Also, in accordance to Art 5, Sec. 2 in part: a member who voluntarily or otherwise, holds, accepts, or applies (form 1723) for a supervisory position in the Postal Service for any period of time, whether one (1) day or fraction thereof, either detailed, acting, probationary or permanently, shall be ineligible to run for any office or other position for a period of two (2) years after termination of such supervisory status.
It should also be noted that in accordance with the Branch By-Laws Article VI, Section 3, where there are three (3) or more units in a single station, the Stewards at such stations should elect from their number a Lead Chief Steward.
We encourage each and every member to participate by voting, seeking a Steward's position, or getting involved in these elections.